ISS Photo Explorer 2

(3,469,299 photos / Missions 1 - 63 (in progress) / June 2020)


My 8 year old daughter is fascinated by space and the International Space Station in particular so we made this simple experiment together. It tries to provide a way of exploring the millions of photographs which have been taken from the International Space Station since the first mission in late 2000. The latitude/longitude location of each photo taken is plotted and shown in the tracks overlay. It was a huge amount of fun to work on and she wants to be an astronaut when she's older. Or a food scientist. Or a singer / actress. Or a vet... :)

Click anywhere on the globe and you will see a list of thumbnail images that were taken within 1 degree of latitude/longitude in the box on the right hand side. Clicking a thumbnail lets you see a larger version of the image on the right hand side. Then, you can either:

The other controls at the top open this Help box, jump to a random location and allow you to expand the globe view to fill the browser window.


Future work


Comments, feedback and of course fixes for out doubtless many mistakes are very welcome - contact details are here

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